Workshop Status

Due to rapidly changing circumstances in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we no longer plan to hold this workshop on April 21-22. However, we welcome everyone who is interested to participate in the NASA Exploration Science Virtual Forum (July 8-10, 2020), as well as the SSERVI Volatiles Focus Group, which meets virtually every month to discuss recent research results and other issues of interest to the community. To subscribe to the focus group mailing list, please visit or contact focus group coordinator Parvathy Prem (

Lunar Volatiles and Solar System Science: Workshop Without Walls

April 21-22, 2020


The Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI) invites all interested members of the community to participate in a virtual meeting to discuss the latest research on lunar volatiles and outstanding questions for the upcoming decade.

The past decade has seen great advances in our understanding of the lunar volatile system, but key questions regarding the origin, abundance, and distribution of lunar volatiles (including water) remain to be answered. Addressing these questions is critical to deciphering the history of the Moon and the inner solar system, assessing in situ resources available for planetary exploration, and understanding processes that may operate on many other airless solar system bodies.

Broad themes for this workshop are:

  • Critical Questions for the Decade
    The key questions driving your current and future research
  • Lunar Volatiles and Solar System Science
    The broader significance of lunar volatiles, including comparative planetology, and processes occurring on other solar system bodies
  • Missions and Measurements
    Concepts that would address outstanding questions for science and exploration

How to join

Workshop participation is open to all. Presenters will be selected from contributed abstracts. Presentations will be streamed live, with time for questions and discussion. The workshop will also be recorded and archived. Connection information will be available here prior to the start of the workshop.

The workshop will take place over two approximately half-day intervals. Exact timing will be available on the program by April 10.

Registration is not required to participate, but is requested to facilitate planning and communication.

Deadlines & Milestones

  • Registration and Abstract Submission Open
    March 13, 2020
  • Abstract Submission Deadline
    March 31, 2020
  • Program Available
    April 10, 2020
  • Workshop Without Walls
    April 21-22, 2020